AVA use ideal levels of high quality and easily digestible protein, including freshly prepared ingredients, to ensure your dog finds this low fat grain free, complete adult dry dog food chicken recipe extra tasty. This specially formulated recipe contains Omega 3 and 6 to keep skin and coats in great condition, while the unique blend of vitamins and minerals care for your dogs joints, teeth and bones.
-Specially tailored kibble shape and size to suit your pet;
-Advanced Formulation - High quality source of easily digestible protein;
-Hypo-Allergenic - Hypo allergenic recipes with no added wheat or wheat gluten;
-Digestive Function - Combined slow release carbohydrates and sources of soluble and insoluble fibre maintain energy levels and a healthy intestinal function;
-Condition and Development - Added L-carnitine to promote fat reduction as well as a rich source of Omega 3 and 6 which helps support skin and coat condition, heart and kidney health and ongoing brain function development;
-Internal Conditioning - Contains MOS and FOS pre-biotics to maintain internal body health and functional conditioning and Yucca to reduce stool odour;
-Mobility and Joint Care - Added Glucosamine and Chondroitin helps support joint condition and general mobility;
-Healthy Teeth and Bones - Optimum ratios of Calcium and Phosphorus help maintain strong teeth and bones and maintain overall oral health;
-Low Fat - Contains 50% less fat compared to AVA Medium Breed Adult Optimum Health Chicken recipe.
Suitable for adult dogs from 1 to 7 years old.
Fresh, clean water should always be available, and dogs should be supervised at all times whilst feeding.
To find out about more about AVA
To find out about switching your dog to AVA
Money back guarantee: If your pet is not delighted with this AVA product, you won't be either - simply bring it back, or get in touch, and we'll do our best to make things right (see back of pack for more details).
Approximate Dimensions (Product): 36 x 19 x 15cm
- Nutrition & Analysis
Nutritional Additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A 24,000IU, Vitamin D3 1,200IU, Vitamin E 400IU, L-carnitine 200mg Trace Elements: Zinc Chelate Of Amino Acid Hydrate 427mg, Manganese Chelate Of Amino Acid Hydrate 53mg, Copper Chelate Of Amino Acid Hydrate 80mg, Calcium Iodate Anhydrous 2mg, Organic selenium produced from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CNCM I-3060) (selenium yeast inactivated) (3b 8.10) 70 mg Antioxidants (Stabilised with mixed tocopherols).
Feeding Guide: Dog weight: approx per day for Weight Loss:
Dog weight: approx per day for weight management: